What's Happening to Our Climate: Natural Factors Cannot Explain the Recent Warming
Aspen Global Change Insitution, Climate Conncection

This classroom resource is a combination of 3 visualizations and accompanying text that illustrate how 3 key natural phenomena - cyclical changes in solar energy output, major volcanic eruptions over the last century, and El Nino/Nina cycles - are insufficient to explain recent global warming.
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Educators using this set of visualizations could consider using it to introduce climate change with the understanding that natural variation in temperature fluctuations cannot account for the upward trend in global temperatures. Could be used for homework for students to look at natural causes of global temperature fluctuation before a lesson on global warming and human causes of global temperature change. Graphics may require more background knowledge than students have acquired. References are linked to reputable resources that provide the end users a good visual with supporting documents. For younger students, educator may need to explain what "trends" are to students: "What constitutes a trend?" "How many years?"