Understanding Climate Modeling
National Center for Science Education

This lesson plan is the second in a series of 6 modules on climate change. This lesson plan defines common vocabulary such as model, trend, projection, prediction, weather, and climate. Students will practice scientific skills like graphing, interpreting graphs, and evaluating models to understand how climate data and models are created, interpreted, and refined. The lessons guide students through the analysis of real-world climate data to understand how scientists generate models and make projections. Students will understand how climate modeling has evolved over time and that different models have varying degrees of accuracy.
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Depending on the class and time available, it may be helpful for teachers to look through activities and choose a few rather than teach this entire unit. Certain activities, such as the "Evolution of climate modeling" can be omitted or truncated for the sake of time without losing any conceptual material. Consider using the videos and resources from this section only if you are short on time. Different classes will need different levels of support when it comes to understanding the concepts and tools presented.