Rising Tides: Protect Your Home from the Waves
Kate Carter, National Center for Science Education

Warming oceans and melting landlocked ice caused by global climate change may result in rising sea levels. This rise in sea level combined with increased intensity and frequency of storms will produce storm surges that flood subways, highways, homes, and more. In this activity, visitors design and test adaptations to prepare for flooding caused by sea level rise.
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For use after some front-loading about global warming and rising sea levels with provided extra resources or outside resources. Have students hypothesize what will happen to structures beforehand. Preparation and organization of the materials beforehand is necessary. One could add a 4th design challenge and implement student-made materials to represent innovative new construction technologies. Younger grades K-3 would benefit by having an extra adult volunteer to help manage the materials and emptying of trays as students try out their designs. Instructor may want to consider modeling how to build the homes along the coastline. For elementary learners, instructor may want to refer to the [link https://cleanet.org/clean/literacy/elementary/strategies/index.html 'Elementary Teaching Strategies pages'] for strategies on framing impacts associated with climate change for younger learners. Teachers could easily use a substitute material to represent structures instead of Monopoly houses.