Nuclear Chemistry Card Sort
Annette Gillespie, Ashely Gilomen, Sarah Johnson, Stephanie Kimberlin, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education

Students describe the basic principles of nuclear chemistry, discern between diagrams and representations of nuclear equations and processes, and use context clues to correctly categorize nuclear events.
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The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness. Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about how CLEAN reviews teaching materials.
The activity is designed to be added on to the beginning or end of a separate curriculum on nuclear energy. It is well-designed and complete as a review or introductory activity, but does not have any background or supplementary information to support its use without additional resources. It would be a nice addition to an existing nuclear energy unit. Can be used as a pre and/or post test for a unit on Nuclear Chemistry or a review. Does not address fundamental climate change issues but does address fundamental energy issues. The parent site does have a more extensive curriculum on nuclear energy to pair with this resource (eg. The Harnessed Atom lessons) Can be modified for virtual classes.