Is Earth Running Out of Water?
PBS Learning Media

This video is an episode of Above the Noise from PBS Digital Studios that engages students in thinking about drought and water shortages worldwide. Supporting materials include background reading on water shortages, a transcript of the video, a handout for viewing Above the Noise episodes (not specific to water shortages), teaching tips, activities, and discussion questions. The video is an engaging introduction to the topic and is best used as part of a larger lesson plan.
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A list of teaching tips is included in the support materials with this lesson, which include a link to a handout, [link 'Typical Water Use at Home']. This handout can be a resource for students to create a personal plan for water conservation. For high school students, see a complementary lesson [link 'Drought: Identifying Impacts and Evaluating Solutions by PBS Learning Media']. Teachers should be aware that the material in this video may become dated over time but still provides a relevant introduction to the topic of drought.