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Introduction to Modeling

The Concord Consortium

Using SageModeler as a primary tool, this activity explains what models are and how they are used. Students will practice defining the boundaries of a system using a driving question, create causal links, clarify indirect relationships, set relationships, and apply weight to variables.

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Notes from our reviewers

The CLEAN collection is hand-picked and rigorously reviewed for scientific accuracy and classroom effectiveness. Read what our review team had to say about this resource below or learn more about how CLEAN reviews teaching materials.

  • It is unspecified how long this activity will take and time may vary depending on the classroom. Teachers may wish to go through the module and assess the timing themselves. Teachers should be aware that a student could fly through this activity without a lot of support by just clicking buttons and going to the next section. It is not until the end of the module that there are requirements for finishing the questions before submitting. Teachers will want to ensure students are engaging in each activity. There are checklists at the end of each activity, use these checklists as gatekeepers to your students moving on to the next activity. Check to ensure the students have done all the tasks as the next activity will build on their skills. Teachers may wish to group students together or have them work in pairs in order to best support each other through the activity. This activity could be extended by running multiple simulations and using the graphing tools available in the modeler. This activity may be used with different grade levels depending on the framing of the lesson. With younger students, teachers may walk through the activity step by step in a classroom. Older students may use this activity independently as a "review" prior to a more in-depth modeling assignment or unit (perhaps on climate modeling).