Hurricane Resilience Part 1: Hurricanes Affect Us
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Center for Science Education, National Center for Atmospheric Research

In this activity, students learn how people prepared for and then responded to a hurricane by analyzing news headlines about Hurricane Florence (2018). Then they analyze data about the amount of damage that different categories of hurricanes cause, learning that even low category storms are able to cause damage.
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Both a digital and a hardcopy version of some activities are described, but educators may want to stay consistent with how they engage students throughout the lesson. Present the "Driving Questions" for each module early, and encourage students to post and comment on each other's posts. This can be done either digitally (through a platform like Padlet or Piazza) or hardcopy (such as on a whiteboard or a large poster board). Each of the lessons can stand on their own, so it would be easy for an educator to pick and choose what they would most like to do.