How is Climate Change Affecting Ice Cover on Madison Lakes?
Finn Ryan, Scott Pauli, Pitch Interactive, Evan Murdock, Climate Wisconsin

This resource tells the story of how climate change is affecting ice cover on lakes in Wisconsin. Students will understand at the end of the lesson that shorter ice cover seasons are having a profound impact on the lakes in Madison, WI. The website provides an overview and context for the use of the data. The data presented show a record of ice cover days on two lakes near Madison, WI, since 1855. Although there is significant annual variation in the data, the overall trend established is evidence that climate change is happening now. Reduced ice cover has a significant ecological impact since it regulates lake temperature, dissolved organic (DO) levels, light penetration, and other factors responsible for the growth and reproduction of species present in and around the lakes.
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After students have discussed what else could be measured in the lakes, consider extending the activity by encouraging them to answer their own questions with empirical research. Consider having students identify the data trends and extreme years before clicking on those options. The ice fishing link at the bottom of the text may be fun and useful to show along with this graph.