Does Climate Change Cause Extreme Weather?
Above the Noise, KQED

This video provides a good introduction to the field of attribution science. Beginning with an introduction to weather and climate, it describes how severe weather might be linked to climate change and the science behind attribution studies. It gives a good explanation behind how scientists use climate models to study whether severe weather events were influenced by climate change. It also discusses the question, "does climate change cause extreme weather?" and provides an introduction to the concepts of probability, causation, and correlation in regards to attribution science (how much climate change influenced an event verses normal variations in weather).
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This video could be used for both engagement, an activity (with data exploration), or an extension activity. The video can also be connected to a real-world example of an extreme weather event that is attributed to climate change. Educators can ask students to reflect on the causation and correlation between global climate change and the frequency of extreme weather.