Back to the Future: Climate Edition
National Center for Science Education

This activity engages students through an exploration using real data of paleoclimate proxies, such as ice cores, tree rings, and sedimentary analysis that provide evidence for past climates.
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Consider setting up a single computer with the video for "Station 3: A Year Without Summer" in part A. Alternatively, the stations can be completed as an entire class. ImageJ software can be difficult to navigate at times. Consider having students work in groups to complete the tree-ring analysis activity. Note that the pom-pom activity can be set up on the day of the class and requires no previous preparations beyond obtaining the activity materials. Depending on the class and time available, it may be helpful for teachers to look through activities and choose a few rather than teach this entire unit. Different classes will need different levels of support when it comes to understanding the concepts and tools presented. This lesson focuses on information (awareness) about climate change. Consider including follow-up lessons focused on hope, action, and possibilities for changing the future.