Summertime droughts lead to worsening ozone pollution in the U.S. Southeast

Abnormally dry conditions occurred across parts of the Southeast in early June 2021 Credit: Drought Monitor
A new study, funded in part by CPO’s Atmospheric Chemistry, Carbon Cycle, & Climate (AC4) program, adds to the evidence that drought can lead to worsening ozone pollution in some regions of the US. Researchers from the University of Houston, Rice University, and NOAA/Global Systems Laboratory used 15-years of surface ozone observations and weekly US Drought Monitor indices to investigate the differences in ozone response to drought across the US and determine what role ozone chemistry plays in causing such differences. They found an increase in summertime ozone in the US southeast during drought conditions, but no change or even a decrease in the US west. By modeling the ozone chemistry at the different observation sites, the research team was able to determine that isoprene, a key precursor of ozone, drove the opposite responses.
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