NOAA’s Climate Program Office and Marine Protected Area Center collaborate on new story map for Blue Carbon Inventory Project

An image from the story map. Credit: Cindy Lebrasse, Silvestrum Climate Associates
The Climate Program Office (CPO) and the NOAA Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Center launched a new StoryMap for the NOAA Blue Carbon Inventory (BCI) Project. The BCI Project is a Department of State funded, multi-agency project led by CPO’s Adaptation Sciences (AdSci) program, in partnership with the MPA Center. The StoryMap was developed in collaboration with two of the project’s technical partners, Silvestrum Climate Associates L.L.C. and the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC).
The NOAA BCI Project supports partner countries’ efforts to include coastal wetlands in their greenhouse gas accounting and enhance the management of these critical ecosystems. This StoryMap will empower global partners to identify, quantify, and more effectively manage the blue carbon ecosystems within their nations, while communicating the accomplishments of the BCI Project.