New website offers an inventory of CitSci efforts to track coastal change

A screenshot of Communities Tracking Coastal Change. Credit: Woods Hole SeaGrant
As coastal communities continue to experience the impacts of increased storms, flooding and sea level rise, public participation in monitoring that change is more important than ever. And, when readily available technologies such as the cell phone in your pocket can serve as a data collection tool, there’s never been a better time for the public to participate in environmental monitoring—or even start a project of their own.
To support such efforts, CPO's Coastal Inundation Risk Team compiled an inventory of Citizen Science projects to track coastal change. This inventory, paired with a form to collect information on additional projects, is now available on a WHOI Sea Grant website, Communities Tracking Coastal Change.
People who are interested in tracking local coastal change can search for existing projects on a map. Those who want to start a new project can explore descriptions of "science platforms" that can help people make and share coastal observations.
Read more at the link below.