New drought and public health roadmap released

Snapshot of the report cover for Drought and Public Health. Credit: NOAA NIDIS
Drought is one of the costliest and deadliest climate-related disasters in the United States, necessitating public health engagement at a national level. Although drought is not typically thought of as a health hazard, the pathways to human health outcomes are prevalent and numerous. To better understand these pathways, and actions that could be taken to reduce health impacts associated with drought, NOAA’s National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) and the University of Nebraska Medical Center co-led the development of the first comprehensive assessment of drought and health.
The report, "Drought and Public Health: A Roadmap for Advancing Engagement and Preparedness," is the culmination of findings from a national Drought and Public Health Summit, five regional workshops, and one-on-one interviews hosted by NIDIS and UNMC from 2019–2022. It provides insights into the connection between drought events and human health impacts with specific examples, and an overview of the principles of public health and engagement.