File name: CLG_Slide 35_Renewables Collage_EP 7 Art-1-1.jpg
Original Resolution: 2073 × 2075
File Size: 2566 KB (MIME Type: image/jpeg)
Artist statement: “‘Alternatives’ is an aesthetic interpretation of five viable alternatives to petroleum-based energy: biofuel, wind turbines, geothermal plants, hydroelectric dams, and solar panels. The interconnection of the symbols used for each energy source in the design emphasizes a combined approach to a long-term feasible solution. Environmentally friendly materials used in the creation of this painting include cotton paper and water-based pigments.” Credit: Katharine Cartwright, Art x Climate, Alternatives (2022, watercolor) This art may only be reproduced or re-used in connection with the Fifth National Climate Assessment. Any other use must be negotiated with the author.