From Jan. 1982 until Dec. 2022, the linear trends of anomalies in sea surface temperature (top left), 850hPa-level zonal winds (top right), outgoing longwave radiation (bottom left), and 1000hPa-level geopotential height (bottom right). Red (blue) shading in the SST map indicates trends toward more positive (negative) SSTs. Purple (green) shading in the wind map indicates that trends are stronger going from east to west (west to east). Brown (green) shading in the OLR map indicates that convection/rainfall is below-average (above-average). Orange (purple) shading in the surface height/pressure map indicates trends toward higher (lower) pressure/heights. Data are in monthly means and the slope is multiplied by the number of months over the period to obtain the total change in the anomalies. Figures by Michelle L’Heureux and modified by climate.gov.