File name: Global_May2022_tempanom_map_graph.png
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File Size: 376 KB (MIME Type: image/png)
(map) Temperatures in May 2022 compared to the 1981-2010 average. Places that were warmer than average are red; places that were cooler than average are blue. Over the land surface, the largest warm anomaly in May was centered over north-central Asia, and the largest cold anomaly was centered over eastern Europe. (graph) May temperatures compared to the 20th-century average for each year from 1880 to 2022. May has grown warmer by 1.37 degrees Fahrenheit (0.76 degrees Celsius) per century on average over the historical record, but the past three decades have been warming roughly twice as fast. Map and graph by NOAA Climate.gov, based on data from NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information.